obama / SwipeIssueTracker

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Swipe Wallpaper

Hello, if you found a problem please report it here. Under the "Issues" tab you can add a problem.

The wallpaper relies on values provided by the so called launcher app, which displays your homescreen. You can search the playstore for "launcher" and you will find that you can just install a different homescreen app. By default you have some launcher app supplied by your phone producer, or by google android. Now not every launcher app supplies the values needed to calculate the scrolling effect for the Swipe Wallpaper. So you might get angry on Swipe Wallpaper but if the launcher does not give those values or wrong ones, than Swipe Wallpaper cant do anything about it, but mail the launcher app creators to fix the problem. I hope you have understanding. But please report every problem and tell what launcher you are using so i can investigate it and if its really a problem from those values i can try to mail the launcher creators.