obaodelana / bible-term

The Bible in the terminal
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The Bible in the terminal

I use my laptop a lot, so I thought it'll be cool to also read my Bible on it. I wanted it to be in the terminal because I use the terminal quite often.


It was meant to be a relatively quick and easy project, but I wanted to "modularize" my code (bad idea). I spent some time writing a custom input field for ncurses with quite the features. I made it very modular as if I had plans to use it in the future. It's actually pretty cool ngl. It has a ton of features and cool effects.

I intially used Python and C to create this, but I switched to solely C. I used the sqlite3 C interface to communicate with the databases.

Btw, ncurses is an API for writing terminal applications that (kinda) look like GUIs.


Yeah, you can probably see I put a lot effort into this 😅.

Type make and run ./bible to try it out.