obfusk / apkrepotool

apkrepotool - manage APK repos
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
11 stars 1 forks source link
android apk repo

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apkrepotool - manage APK repos

apkrepotool is a tool for managing APK repositories that can be used with an F-Droid-compatible client; specifically, it generates v1 & v2 index JSON & JAR files from a compatible directory structure with the required YAML metadata and fastlane metadata & image files.

NB: work in progress; currently this is a first alpha release with minimum functionality for a simple repo. Testing, feedback, bug reports, and feature requests are very welcome :)


See "Keystore & Icon" below for how to generate a keystore and use a generic icon if you don't have one of your own; see "Configuration Files" for configuration file examples; see "Directory Structure" for where all the necessary files go.

Requirements: Apps, Configuration, Metadata

Requirements: Software

Keystore & Icon

NB: you probably don't want to accidentally commit your keystore and/or passwords to git! And please make sure you pay attention to the key properties since you can't change the signing key later. You don't need to fill in your full name but you'll want to avoid having fields set to "Unknown" and use e.g. your handle/username so people can identify the key as belonging to you.

NB: this is an example; replace myrepo with something more appropriate and make sure the key size and validity are appropriate for your use.

See "Configuration Files" below for options for storing the keystore password.

$ mkdir myrepo
$ cd myrepo
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore keystore.jks -alias myrepo -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -sigalg SHA512withRSA -validity 10000
$ mkdir -p repo/icons
$ wget -O repo/icons/icon.png -- https://github.com/obfusk/apkrepotool/raw/master/icon.png
$ vim config.yml


NB: apkrepotool will save a Cert.java (and Cert.class if javac is available and can compile Cert.java) in ~/.apkrepotool (unless a different apkrepotool_dir is specified in config.yml); these are needed to interface with the apksigner JAR file to verify APK signatures.

$ apkrepotool update -v
Processing 'repo/catima-v2.28.0.apk'...
  'me.hackerchick.catima':133 ('2.28.0')
Processing 'repo/catima-v2.29.0.apk'...
  'me.hackerchick.catima':134 ('2.29.0')
Processing 'repo/jiten-webview-1.0.3.apk'...
  'dev.obfusk.jiten_webview':202108010 ('1.0.3')
Processing 'metadata/dev.obfusk.jiten_webview.yml'...
Processing 'metadata/me.hackerchick.catima.yml'...
Writing index-v1.json...
Writing index-v2.json...
Writing diff/1714265787000.json...
Writing entry.json...
Writing cache/repo/1714266451000.json...
Signing index-v1.jar...
Signing entry.jar...
$ apkrepotool link
$ apkrepotool --help
Usage: apkrepotool [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  apkrepotool - manage APK repos

  --version  Show the version and exit.
  --help     Show this message and exit.

  link    print repo link
  update  generate/update index
$ apkrepotool link --help
$ apkrepotool update --help

Directory Structure

``` . ├── cache # generated by apkrepotool ├── config.yml # main config file ├── keystore.jks # don't accidentally commit this! ├── metadata │   ├── dev.obfusk.jiten_webview # fastlane metadata │   │   └── en-US │   │   ├── full_description.txt │   │   └── short_description.txt │   ├── dev.obfusk.jiten_webview.yml # app metadata │   ├── me.hackerchick.catima # fastlane metadata │   │   ├── de-DE │   │   │   ├── changelogs │   │   │   │   ├── 133.txt │   │   │   │   └── 134.txt │   │   │   ├── full_description.txt │   │   │   ├── short_description.txt │   │   │   └── title.txt │   │   ├── en-US │   │   │   ├── changelogs │   │   │   │   ├── 133.txt │   │   │   │   └── 134.txt │   │   │   ├── full_description.txt │   │   │   ├── short_description.txt │   │   │   └── title.txt │   │   └── zh-TW │   │   ├── full_description.txt │   │   ├── short_description.txt │   │   └── title.txt │   └── me.hackerchick.catima.yml # app metadata └── repo ├── catima-v2.28.0.apk # put APKs here ├── catima-v2.29.0.apk # put APKs here ├── dev.obfusk.jiten_webview # put images here │   └── en-US │   ├── featureGraphic.png │   ├── icon.png │   └── phoneScreenshots │   ├── 1.png │   ├── 2.png │   ├── 3.png │   ├── 4.png │   └── 5.png ├── diff # generated by apkrepotool ├── entry.jar # generated by apkrepotool ├── entry.json # generated by apkrepotool ├── icons │ └── icon.png # put icon.png here ├── index-v1.jar # generated by apkrepotool ├── index-v1.json # generated by apkrepotool ├── index-v2.json # generated by apkrepotool ├── jiten-webview-1.0.3.apk # put APKs here └── me.hackerchick.catima # put images here ├── de-DE │   └── featureGraphic.png ├── en-US │   ├── featureGraphic.png │   ├── icon.png │   └── phoneScreenshots │   ├── screenshot-01.png │   ├── screenshot-02.png │   ├── screenshot-03.png │   ├── screenshot-04.png │   ├── screenshot-05.png │   ├── screenshot-06.png │   ├── screenshot-07.png │   └── screenshot-08.png └── zh-TW └── featureGraphic.png ```

Configuration Files


NB: this example uses cat and simply stores the passwords unencrypted in plaintext files -- do not commit these to git! -- but you can easily use something like gpg -d /path/to/.keystorepass.gpg to decrypt an encrypted password file instead.

# repo information
repo_url: https://example.com/fdroid/repo/
repo_name: My Repo
repo_description: >-
  This is a repository of apps to be used with an F-Droid-compatible client.
  Applications in this repository are official binaries built by the original
  application developers.

# signing config
repo_keyalias: myrepo
keystore: /path/to/keystore.jks
keystorepass_cmd: cat /path/to/.keystorepass
keypass_cmd: cat /path/to/.keypass

# optional settings
apkrepotool_dir: /path/to/apkrepotool_dir
apksigner_jar: /path/to/apksigner.jar
java_home: /usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64


  - Money
License: GPL-3.0-or-later
AuthorName: Sylvia van Os
AuthorEmail: catima@example.com
AuthorWebSite: https://sylviavanos.nl
WebSite: https://catima.app/
SourceCode: https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android
IssueTracker: https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android/issues
Translation: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/catima/catima/
Changelog: https://github.com/CatimaLoyalty/Android/blob/HEAD/CHANGELOG.md
Donate: https://paypal.me/sylviavanos

Name: Catima

AllowedAPKSigningKeys: d405cd69ede4c22074c328fb825689a84ab3fca4b3fdf0b6cc1333af62c67eb3

CurrentVersion: 2.29.0
CurrentVersionCode: 134


Using pip

$ pip install apkrepotool

From git

NB: this installs the latest development version, not the latest release.

$ git clone https://github.com/obfusk/apkrepotool.git
$ cd apkrepotool
$ pip install -e .

NB: you may need to add e.g. ~/.local/bin to your $PATH in order to run apkrepotool.

To update to the latest development version:

$ cd apkrepotool
$ git pull --rebase


Python >= 3.8 + click + ruamel.yaml + repro-apk >= 0.2.7.


$ apt install python3-pip python3-click python3-ruamel.yaml
$ pip install git+https://github.com/obfusk/reproducible-apk-tools.git@v0.2.8
