.. |logo| image:: http://i.imgur.com/DayiPBl.png :align: middle
Welcome to pushjet
, Python's Pushjet <https://pushjet.io/>
(see the server on GitHub <https://github.com/Pushjet/Pushjet-Server-Api>
) API. Pushjet lets you push notifications directly to your phone (among other things)! This module lets you do that pushing from Python! It's pretty sweet - it lets you do all sorts of cool things, like integrating notifications into your web app or notifying you when something goes on sale.
And yep, the module's just named pushjet
. Spiffy name, and surely not at all confusing. Probably. Hopefully. Maybe.
The module is on GitHub <https://github.com/obskyr/pushjet-py>
, and it's also on PyPI <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pushjet>
! That means you can install it using pip <https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/installing/>
__. Simply run the following to install it:
.. code:: bash
> pip install pushjet
Bam, you're ready to go. It's compatible with both Python 2 and 3, too - nice, huh?
See the Getting started section of the documentation <http://pushjet.readthedocs.io/>
__. Here's a little taste:
.. code:: python
import pushjet
import uuid
service = pushjet.Service.create(
"Open courses", # Name
"http://example.com/university_icon.png" # Icon URL
device = pushjet.Device(uuid.uuid4())
"A spot is open for you in the competitive eating course!", # Message
"Course open", # Title
"http://example.com/courses/eating/competitive" # Link
for message in device.get_messages():
print message.title
print message.message
print message.link
For information on all the properties of the classes, and on how to use custom API instances, once again see the documentation <http://pushjet.readthedocs.io/>
If there's a feature you're missing or a bug you've found in pushjet
, open an issue on GitHub <https://github.com/obskyr/pushjet-py/issues/new>
__. If you've got a question - or there's anything you'd like to talk about at all, really - you can reach me via:
Twitter (@obskyr) <https://twitter.com/obskyr>
__E-mail <mailto:powpowd@gmail.com>
__I usually answer much faster on Twitter. Thaaaat... should be all. I think. Unless I've forgotten something, which I don't think I have. I never think I have, though, and then sometimes I still have. Let's hope I haven't this time.