occivink / kakoune-snippets

Snippet support for kakoune
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kakoune plugin snippets


Disclaimer: I've recently downsized the plugin and removed functionality. This is both for making the plugin more manageable, and so that I actually want to use and work on it. If you are interested in using (or forking) this previous state, you have my blessing (not that you need it). The latest commit of this state is 9c96e64a567ae5cb16d47cf9d3a56189f77c430c.

(Yet another) kakoune plugin for handling snippets.



Add snippets.kak to your autoload dir: ~/.config/kak/autoload/, or source it manually.

This plugin requires the kakoune version 2022.10.31.


The extension is configured via two options:

Snippets can be selected manually with the commands snippets and snippets-menu.

At any moment, the snippets-info command can be used to show the available snippets and their respective triggers.


Snippets can be executed when a certain string is written directly in the buffer with the help of triggers. To each snippet is associated a regex which we call a trigger.

Triggers can be automatically expanded by setting snippets_auto_expand to true, or they can be expanded manually by using the snippets-expand-trigger command. By default, this command tries to expand the current selection if it is a trigger, but you can also pass it an argument to select a different part of the buffer.

The option snippets_triggers_regex can be used to help select triggers. It's a simple alternation of all triggers as a single regex.

For example, this call will try to select a trigger on the current line and expand it. If it fails, the selection stays unmodified.

snippets-expand-trigger %{
    reg / "%opt{snippets_triggers_regex}"
    # select to the beginning of the line, and then subselect for one of the triggers
    exec 'hGhs<ret>'

If a snippet does not have a trigger (i.e. it's empty), you won't be able to use it via expansion, but the basic commands snippets and snippets-menu can still be used.

Defining your own snippets

Snippet commands are just regular kakoune command, so you can do just about anything in them.

Ideally, your snippet command should work in both Insert and Normal mode, so that it can be used via auto-expansion and manual snippet call (be careful about this kakoune issue).


snippets-insert is a builtin command of the script that can be used to insert text with proper indentation and optionally move/create cursors. It accepts one argument which is the snippet to be inserted at the cursor(s).

Tabs should be used for indentation when defining snippets, they will be automatically converted to the appropriate indentation level (depending on indentwidth)

The snippet supports custom syntax to define cursor placeholders, which define the resulting selections after expansion. A cursor placeholder is defined with ${} (empty selection) or ${text} (default selection text). To use a literal $ inside a snippet or a literal } inside a placeholder, double it up ($$ and }}).

When a snippet is inserted with snippets-insert, all placeholders are selected. If there are none, the entire snippet is selected.



What's the performance impact of the extension?

If you use the auto-expansion feature, a runtime hook is run on each Insert mode key press. It only uses a shell scope in case of a match, and stops early otherwise.
If you don't use it, there is no runtime cost (except when executing a snippet of course).

What's with escaping, what kind of characters can I use and not use?

You should be able to use anything. Triggers are currently restricted to at most 10 characters (at least for auto-expansion), but the number is arbitrary and we could raise it.

My snippets are expanding too greedily. If I type 'before', I don't want my 'for' snippet to be expanded.

You should use a stricter trigger for the snippet. For example, \bfor will only expand if for starts at a word boundary. Similarly, you can use ^ to match the start of a line.

How did you do the demo?

It's done using kitty's remote control features, a 'manuscript' and a script to bridge the two. I'll upload them at some point.


The test.kak_ file contains tests for the plugin. To execute these tests, simply run kak -n -e 'source test.kak_ ; quit': if the kakoune instance stays open, the tests have somehow failed and the current state can be inspected.

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