ocd-scm / ocd-chatbot

A botkit chatbot to drive OCD
MIT License
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OCD Botkit Chatbot

This is Botkit Chatbot configured for Slack that is designed to make it easy for a team to drive OCD.

Watch the video

Botkit runs against many chat solutions and the ocd logic is bash scripts. So if you want to use any other chat engine then please send us a PR. This bot:

  1. Responds to create a release by telling you the syntax to create a GitHub release that will create a release tag. This will trigger OCD to create a container build of your application that will be given the same tag.
  2. Responds to deploy by telling you the syntax to create a release PR of your config repo that sets the new version of the application to be the container tag that you want to release. When you merge the PR it will trigger OCD to deploy the tagged version of the application into environment.
  3. Responds to do we have the latest rhscl (.*) security patches? by checking the tag marked latest of "registry.access.redhat.com/rhscl/$1" against the tags in your build environment. The idea here is that you can schedule the built-in system @slackbot to /remind the slack channel where OCD is with this question. For example we have setup /remind #openshift “do we have the latest nodejs-8-rhel7 security patches?” at 9AM every Monday.

    In addition to running a botkit slackbot for request-response style interactions you can also use the Slack Inbound Webhooks feature to have OCD scripts announce what they are doing. For example a big react application

Install with OCD

There is a demo env repo over at https://github.com/ocd-scm/ocd-demo-env-chatbot with instructions at https://github.com/ocd-scm/ocd-meta/wiki/OpenShift-Online-Pro-(openshift-dot-com)#5-optional-setup-up-the-demo-chatbot

There is a video of how to set up a Slack botkit using the slack api page:

Watch the video

Adding new chat engines?

The ocd code is bash at bin/ocd-.*.sh. The slack specific skills are in skills/ocd-slackbot.js. The package.json starts bot.js so I would guess we would create other versions of bot.js and use an env var in the start script within package.json to switch between versions of bot.js. Thats my guess your mileage may vary.

Set up at slack.com

Once you have setup your Botkit openshift enviroment, the next thing you will want to do is set up a new Slack application via the Slack developer portal. This is a multi-step process, but only takes a few minutes.

WARNING: If there is no pvc storage or redis configure each time the pod restarts your bot will forget its slack oauth token. You simply go to its http://xyz/ and and click the login link (or 'back'/'refresh' to get an error page with a link to login) and reauthenticate to your slack workspace to give it a new token.

Customize Storage

By default, the starter kit uses a simple file-system based storage mechanism to record information about the teams and users that interact with the bot. While this is fine for development, or use by a single team, most developers will want to customize the code to use a real database system.

There are Botkit plugins for all the major database systems which can be enabled with just a few lines of code.

We have enabled our [Mongo middleware]() for starters in this project. To use your own Mongo database, just fill out MONGO_URI in your .env file with the appropriate information. For tips on reading and writing to storage, check out these medium posts