oceandatainterop / nc-eTAG

NetCDF file, metadata & data standards for electronic tagging datasets (nc-eTAG)
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Welcome to the nc-eTAG file and metadata specification project space. nc-eTAG is a netCDF file, metadata & data interoperability standard for (non-acoustic) electronic tagging datasets. It leverages and extends prevailing OGC and Earth Science data interoperability standards based on the netCDF scientific self-describing file format, the Climate Forecast (CF) and ACDD (Attribute Conventions on Data Discovery) metadata standards and associated NOAA/NCEI oceanographic in-situ data implementations of these. It includes format specification documentation and associated netCDF Common Data Language (CDL) templates applicable to key classes of electronic tagging data representative of products from a range of instrument manufacturers. The template specifications provide a roadmap for technical implementation of standards compliant, archive quality data files by data providers and tag manufacturers alike.

In future netCDF CDL templates for acoustic telemetry datasets may be developed and hosted here as well. Any such materials currently available should be considered preliminary drafts.