oceandie / BALTIC-MEs

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Collaboration project between the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) and the UK Met Office Hadley Centre (UKMO) to develop and test a Multi-Envelope s-coordinate system (Bruciaferri et al. 2018) in the Baltic sea.

This repository is still under construction. It has begun to be populated so that version tracking and branching can begin.


git clone https://github.com/oceandie/BALTIC-MEs.git
conda env create -f pyogcm.yml
conda activate pyogcm

Directories structure:

 `-- src/                            <-- source code
    |-- f90/                         <-- Fortran 90 code (mainly NEMO)
    |   `-- NEMO_4.0-HEAD_test_MEs/  <-- NEMO_4.0-HEAD_test_MEs UKMO branch rev 15806
    |       |-- arch/
    |       |-- cfgs/
    |       |-- ext/
    |       |-- mk/
    |       |-- src/
    |       |-- tests/
    |       `-- tools/               <-- tools_r4.0-HEAD_dev_MEs UKMO branch rev 15807
    `-- python/                      <-- Python3 code
        |-- envelopes/               <-- code to generate envelopes
        |   `-- templates_inp_files/ <-- template inlut files to generate AMM15, zco or sco envelopes
        `-- loc_area/                <-- code to generate localisation area

More documentation
