oceanprotocol-archive / oceandao-proposal-portal

OceanDao proposal portal
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OceanDAO Seed Grants Portal


Q: What is Seed? Why do I need to use it?
A: Seed is the portal for how all projects inside of OceanDAO submit to receive a grant.

Q: Can't I just post a proposal or reply to Port?
A: No. This was an old way of doing things and we're improving the grants program so participants can self-serve more easily.

Q: How can I log into the portal?
A: We have used the Funding Wallet that you have submitted in the past, and used that as your Admin Wallet. You can find all of this information inside of our Airtable

Q: How can I write a good proposal?
A: Please look at our old proposal page to learn how to write a proposal

Q: Can I change my Admin Wallet?
A: Yes, please follow these steps:

  1. Please reply to your latest proposal inside https://port.oceanprotocol.com/, with the 0x address you want to use.
  2. Tag us @ ocean-dao-engineering, and share the link to your post inside of https://port.oceanprotocol.com/.
  3. We'll update your records, so you can access your project and proposals.
  4. Please note that we need to verify your proposal is completed before you can apply for the next round.

    Q: Can I change my Proposal Earmark or Project Category?
    A: Yes, simply use Update Project or Update Proposal inside of Seed.