oceanprotocol / pdr-backend

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[ETL] ETL & Analytics Backlog #1299

Open idiom-bytes opened 3 days ago

idiom-bytes commented 3 days ago

Background / motivation

There were many remaining issues inside of duckdb itnegration, and github issues. Most tickets have been closed, including the really important ones so we can consolidate tasks and prioritize/tackle them in a clean manner.

Only the ones actively in-development and in-discussion are open.

Please re-open and address tickets 1-by-1 as you take them.

Outstanding items

[Post-DuckDB Merge - Core Functionality - Important]

[Post-DuckDB - Other Functionality - To be prioritized] These have been fronzen/closed/need to be reviewed such that we can continue to expand subgraph/ETL functionality.

Low Priority Improvements:
