oceanprotocol / pdr-backend

Instructions & code to run predictoors, traders, more.
Apache License 2.0
22 stars 15 forks source link

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Run bots (agents)

(If you're a predictoor or trader, you can safely ignore the rest of this README.)

Settings: PPSS

A "ppss" yaml file, like ppss.yaml, holds parameters for all bots and simulation flows.

When you run a bot from the CLI, you specify your PPSS YAML file.

pdr has basic stdout logging, but supports customisations. To customise logging, copy and edit the existing logging.yaml:

cp logging.yaml my_logging.yaml


(First, install pdr-backend first.)

To see CLI options, in console:


This will output something like:

Usage: pdr sim|predictoor|trader|..

Main tools:
  pdr sim YAML_FILE
  pdr predictoor YAML_FILE NETWORK

Atomic READMEs

Flows for core team

Repo structure

This repo implements all bots in Predictoor ecosystem. Here are each of the sub-directories in the repo.

Main bots & user tools:

OPF-run bots & higher-level tools:

Mid-level building blocks:

Lower-level utilities: