oceansensing / OOI

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NSF OOI PIONEER Array Relocation


The National Science Foundation is considering the relocation of the Ocean Observing Initiative's Coastal PIONEER Array (https://oceanobservatories.org/array/coastal-pioneer-array/). This array, including moorings, gliders, and AUVs, is currently located off the coast of New England where it has operated for the past 5 years.

The array is designed to be relocatable to enable new science and observations at other critical regions of the ocean. The process to consider if/where/when/how of the PIONEER Array is now underway. This GitHub repository is set up to facilitate open and constructive discussions about this relocation effort.

There will be a multi-phase process to decide on where to move the PIONEER Array (see link above). A weeklong Innovation Lab to discuss all aspects of the relocation will be held in March 2021. Application to participate in the Innovation Lab is due on January 31, 2021. If you are interested in participating in the Innovation Lab, you should apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSciNSnuoqFQLY0KJfERFTBesF2mQiuUciY9UEE3TOQY2HraEw/viewform

Use Issue Tracking for discussion of specific questions and topics relating to the Innovation Lab.