ocombe / browser-sync-brunch

Adds BrowserSync http://browsersync.io/ support to brunch for automatic browser reloading and much more !
MIT License
26 stars 13 forks source link


Adds automatic browser reloading support to brunch when using the brunch watch command.

The plugin uses BrowserSync technology to keep multiple browsers & devices in sync when building websites.

Features from BrowserSync

  1. Scroll - I can keep your pages in sync when scrolling.
  2. Forms - You fill out a form in one browser, I'll copy the data to all the others.
  3. Links - I'll watch your clicks and make all the other browsers follow you.
  4. CSS injecting - I can even watch your CSS files & inject them when they change.
  5. Live Reload - I can also watch files like HTML and PHP & when they change I can reload all browsers for you.
  6. Built-in Server - Yep, I can serve static files too if you need me to (uses Connect).
  7. Use with any back-end setup - I even have a proxy option so that I can be used with existing PHP, Rails, Python, Node or ASP.net setup.
  8. Public URL - View your website via a URL that any internet connected device can access & maintain all BrowserSync features.
  9. Browser Stack support - Use the all of my features when viewing your site through Browser Stack.


Make sure that you have removed auto-reload brunch from your package.json if you were using it.

Install the plugin via npm with npm install --save browser-sync-brunch.

Or, do manual install:


In most cases, browser-sync-brunch works out of the box without any further configuration. Stylesheet and image changes will be applied seamlessly, and any other changes will trigger a page refresh.

Brunch plugin settings

If customization is needed or desired, settings can be modified in your brunch config file (such as brunch-config.coffee). You can use any BrowserSync option, refer to their documentation for the complete list.


exports.config: {
  plugins: {
      browserSync: {
          port: 3333,
          logLevel: "debug"

**Be careful, this plugin won't work with Brunch workers enabled because of an error in Brunch source code.***