ocsigen / old.ocsigen.org

The old http://ocsigen.org/ website.
4 stars 3 forks source link

To run the ocsigen website site localy:

=== Setup an ssh tunnel with the database of 'ocsigen-build'

In .ssh/config:

Host ocsigen-build ProxyCommand ssh ocsigen.org nc -q 0 %h %p LocalForward 5433 localhost:5432

Then extend in your environment with:

export PGHOST=localhost export PGPORT=5433

You may add those variables in 'Makefile.local' and in the bundle's 'Makefile.local.

To test the tunnel, run:

psql -U ocsimore ocsimore

=== Duplicating the database

On ocsigen.org:

pg_dump -U ocsimore ocsimore > db.dump

On your host:

sudo -u postgres dropdb ocsimore sudo -u postgres createdb -E UTF-8 -T template0 -O ocsimore ocsimore createlang -U ocsimore plpgsql ocsimore psql -U ocsimore ocsimore -f db.dump

=== FAQ