ocss884 / Biostat821-finalproj

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US Covid-19 Vaccination Visualization Project

The US Covid-19 Vaccinations is a simple web application presenting the recent progress of COVID-19 vaccinations in United States for each state based on data from CDC. This project has been served at Heroku, online access link here.



Features Intended to Implement

  1. Interactive US Map: Create an interative US map visualizing the current total doses allocation by state/territory.
  2. Time slider: Plot the comparison of vaccine allocations between Pfizer and Moderna with a slider showing the allocaion history.
  3. Race plot: Provide an animation for top 10 most allocated states over time.
  4. Stats Table: Present the statistic of finished vaccine allocation in each state; Create a drop-down list and a search box for user's choices of interest for states.

Directory Tree


Serve locally

Enter the root directory. Command export FLASK_APP=main in linux environment and run flask run

Data Source

All data are obtained from Data.CDC.gov

Member and Contribution


This application uses Flask framwork, SQLite database and deployed in Heroku. Ploty is used for visualization.