octavius64 / Gazelle

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Gazelle is a web framework geared towards private BitTorrent trackers. Although naturally focusing on music, it can be modified for most needs. Gazelle is written in PHP, JavaScript, and MySQL.

Forked from: https://github.com/WhatCD/Gazelle

This repo is a work in progress

Goals of this Fork

Some Nice Features of this Fork

Deployment Instructions

Note that these instructions assume you're using a Linux distribution and have Docker Engine and Docker Compose installed already.

Make sure you are using the Docker Compose plugin. Run docker compose version to see if it's already installed. The old docker-compose is not supported.

Clone submodules: git submodule update --init

Create a file named secrets with key value pairs at docker/secrets. It should be owned by root, and permissions should be 600. Each secret must only contain alpha-numeric characters, and must be 32 characters long. As a tip, you can run cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alnum:]' | fold -w 32 | head -n10 to generate 10 random alphanumeric strings, 32 characters long each. Something like the following:


Create a file named config with key value pairs at docker/config. Something like the following:

# In production you will have to use a fully qualified domain name here.
# When testing locally you can set up a local DNS mapping for this test domain,
# Or use an IP address.
# You can set the value of these 2 props to the file paths of SSL cert and private key.
# You can also set them to "null", in which case a self signed cert will be generated.
# You will have to figure out how to make your torrent client disable cert validation if
# using a self signed cert.

Create a file named whitelist_ips.txt with IP address subnets at docker/whitelist_ips.txt. If this file is empty, then no restrictions will be applied to source IP addresses. This is useful when using a reverse proxy like Cloudflare, in which case we would only want Cloudflare IPs to talk to our server. The list of Cloudflare IP addresses can be retrieved from https://www.cloudflare.com/ips-v4

This is an example file with some whitelisted subnets:

And then you must use the included docker compose wrapper script to build and launch all containers:

SSL Tips

If you want to use Cloudflare's reverse proxy, then you can get an origin server SSL cert from them which is free and is valid for 15 years. Note that only Cloudflare servers trust it though so you can't use it if you're not using Cloudflare's reverse proxy.

If you want to use Let's Encrypt (which is also free but only valid for 3 months) then use the following command line:

sudo certbot certonly --manual --preferred-challenges dns

Ocelot Development Tips

The current Docker setup allows making changes to the Ocelot source code, build it incrementally, and deploy it without rebuilding or restarting any containers. You will have to make an edit to docker-entrypoint.sh inside Ocelot/docker. Look at the comment in that file for more info. After making that change, you'll be able to follow this development workflow:

Other Tips

Original WCD/Gazelle Change Log

The original WCD change log is available here: docs/CHANGES.txt