octodns / octodns-bind

RFC compliant (Bind9) provider for octoDNS
MIT License
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RFC compliant (Bind9) provider for octoDNS

An octoDNS provider that targets Bind and other standards compliant servers. It includes support for sourcing records via AXFR, reading zone files, and fully managing records with RFC 2136.


Command line

pip install octodns-bind


Pinning specific versions or SHAs is recommended to avoid unplanned upgrades.

# Start with the latest versions and don't just copy what's here
# Start with the latest/specific versions and don't just copy what's here
-e git+https://git@github.com/octodns/octodns.git@9da19749e28f68407a1c246dfdf65663cdc1c422#egg=octodns
-e git+https://git@github.com/octodns/octodns-bind.git@ec9661f8b335241ae4746eea467a8509205e6a30#egg=octodns_bind



A source that reads DNS records from zone files in a local directory.

      class: octodns_bind.ZoneFileSource
      # The directory holding the zone files
      # Filenames should match zone name (eg. example.com.)
      # with optional extension specified with file_extension
      directory: ./zonefiles
      # File extension on zone files
      # Appended to zone name to locate file
      # (optional, default None)
      file_extension: .zone
      # Should sanity checks of the origin node be done
      # (optional, default true)
      check_origin: false


A source that support the AXFR protocol

      class: octodns_bind.AxfrSource
      # The address of nameserver to perform zone transfer against
      host: ns1.example.com
      # The port that the nameserver is listening on. Optional. Default: 53
      port: 53
      # Use IPv6 to perform operations. Optional. Default: False
      ipv6: False
      # The number of seconds to wait until timing out. Optional. Default: 15
      timeout: 15
      # optional, default: non-authed
      key_name: env/AXFR_KEY_NAME
      # optional, default: non-authed
      key_secret: env/AXFR_KEY_SECRET
      # optional, see https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython/blob/master/dns/tsig.py#L78
      # for available algorithms
      key_algorithm: hmac-sha1

See below for example Bind9 server configuration. Any server that supports RFC compliant AXFR should work here. If you have a need for support of other auth mechinism please open an issue.


A provider that combines AXFR and RFC 2136 to enable a full featured octoDNS provider for the Bind9 server

Both allow transfer allow-transfer { key octodns.exxampled.com.; }; allow-update { key octodns.exxampled.com.; };

      # also available as octodns_bind.BindProvider
      class: octodns_bind.Rfc2136Provider
      # The address of nameserver to perform zone transfer against
      host: ns1.example.com
      # The port that the nameserver is listening on. Optional. Default: 53
      port: 53
      # Use IPv6 to perform operations. Optional. Default: False
      ipv6: False
      # The number of seconds to wait until timing out. Optional. Default: 15
      timeout: 15
      # optional, default: non-authed
      key_name: env/AXFR_KEY_NAME
      # optional, default: non-authed
      key_secret: env/AXFR_KEY_SECRET
      # optional, see https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython/blob/master/dns/tsig.py#L78
      # for available algorithms
      key_algorithm: hmac-sha1

Example Bind9 config to enable AXFR and RFC 2136

# generated with: $ tsig-keygen octodns.exxampled.com.
key "octodns.exxampled.com." {
  algorithm hmac-sha256;
  secret "vZew5TtZLTZKTCl00xliGt+1zzsuLWQWFz48bRbPnZU=";

zone "exxampled.com." {
  type master;
  file "/var/lib/bind/db.exxampled.com";
  notify explicit;
  # this enables AXFR
  allow-transfer { key octodns.exxampled.com.; };
  # this allows RFC 2136
  allow-update { key octodns.exxampled.com.; };

Any server that supports RFC compliant AXFR and RFC 2136 should work here. If you have a need for support of other auth mechinism please open an issue.


A provider that reads and writes Bind9 compliant zone files

    class: octodns_bind.ZoneFileProvider

    # The location of zone files. Records are defined in a
    # file named for the zone in this directory, e.g.
    # something.com., including the trailing ., see `file_extension` below
    # (required)
    directory: ./config

    # The extension to use when working with zone files. It is appended onto
    # the zone name to determine the file when reading or writing
    # records. Some operating systems do not allow filenames ending with a .
    # and this value may need to be changed when working on them, e.g. to
    # .zone. The leading . should be included.
    # (default: .)
    file_extension: .

    # Wether the provider should check for the existence a root NS record
    # when loading a zone
    # (default: true)
    check_origin: true

    # The email username or full address to be used when creating zonefiles.
    # If this is just a username, no @[domain.com.], the current zone name
    # will be appended to this value. If the value is a complete email
    # address it will be used as-is. Note that the actual email address with
    # a @ should be used and not the zone file format with the value
    # replaced with a `.`.
    # (default: webmaster)
    hostmaster_email: webmaster

    # The details of the SOA record can be customized when creating
    # zonefiles with the following options.
    default_ttl: 3600
    refresh: 3600
    retry: 600
    expire: 604800
    nxdomain: 3600

Support Information




This module does not support dynamic records.


See the /script/ directory for some tools to help with the development process. They generally follow the Script to rule them all pattern. Most useful is ./script/bootstrap which will create a venv and install both the runtime and development related requirements. It will also hook up a pre-commit hook that covers most of what's run by CI.

Local Server

A local server is included in the repo via docker-compose.yml. This will set up a Bind9 server with AXFR transfers and RFC 2136 updates enabled for use in development on IPv4 and IPv6. Configuration for the server can be found in docker/etc/bind/named.conf, including the TSIG secret which can be used to perform authenticated operations. Zonefiles can be found in docker/var/lib/bind. All logs are written to STDOUT and can be viewed by running docker-compose logs -f

An example octodns configuration to interact with the local server is below:

    class: octodns_bind.Rfc2136Provider
    host: localhost
    key_name: 'octodns.exxampled.com.'
    key_secret: 'vZew5TtZLTZKTCl00xliGt+1zzsuLWQWFz48bRbPnZU='
    key_algorithm: 'hmac-sha256'

      - config
      - rfc2136