octoper / statamic-blade-components

A Laravel Blade templates integration for Statamics Antlers engine.
MIT License
10 stars 10 forks source link

Statamic Blade Components

Looking for maintainers: As I'm not using Statamic these days and I don't have a the time to maintain the package I'm looking for anyone who want to take the ownerhip of it! You can reach out via email me@octoper.me

Statami v3 Packagist Tests StyleCI

A Laravel Blade Components integration for Statamics Antlers template engine.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require octoper/statamic-blade-components

General documentation

Laravel Blade Components

How to be used with the Antlers template engine

{{ component:hello }}

Passing Initial Parameters

You can pass data into a component by passing additional parameters

{{ component:avatar username="johndoe" }}

Passing Slots

You can pass additional content to your component via "slots" too.

{{ component:label for="email" }}
{{ /component:label }}

or even named slots

{{ component:label for="email" }}
    {{ component:slot name="title" }}
    {{ /component:slot}}
{{ /component:label }}


composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email me@octoper.me instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.