octopress / linkblog

Adds link blogging features, along with some other niceties, to any Jekyll site.
MIT License
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Octopress Linkblog

Adds link blogging features, along with some other niceties to any Jekyll site.

Build Status Gem Version License


Using Bundler

Add this gem to your site's Gemfile in the :jekyll_plugins group:

group :jekyll_plugins do
  gem 'octopress-linkblog'

Then install the gem with Bundler

$ bundle

Manual Installation

$ gem install octopress-linkblog

Then add the gem to your Jekyll configuration.

  - octopress-linkblog


Post features

With the gem installed, your site's posts will automatically have new data attributes.

Here is an example. Given the following YAML front-matter:

title: cats are awesome
external_url: http://cats.example.com

The post would have these attributes:

title        => Cats Are Awesome
title_html   => Cats Are&nbsp;Awesome&nbsp;<span class='post-marker post-marker-after'>→</span>
title_text   => Cats Are Awesome →
title_url    => http://cats.example.com
title_link   => <a href='http://cats.example.com' class='article-link linkpost'>...</a>
permalink    => <a href='http://your-site.com/posts/1' class='permalink'>Permalink</a>
linkpost     => true

Note: the <a> in this demo has been shortened, but it will contain the title_html.

Site features

In addition, the site payload will have two new post arrays:

This may have many uses, but one in particular is the option to allow RSS feeds for each type of post.


You can configure this plugin in your site's _config.yml under the linkblog key. Here are the defaults.

    marker: →
    marker_position: after
    marker: false
    marker_position: before

  titlecase: true
  unorphan: true
  permalink_label: Permalink


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/octopress/linkblog/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request