Decidim In Docker
A Proof of Concept for using Decidim in Docker from freshly generated app.
# Run the POC
## 1. Prepare Data
docker-compose run --rm app rails db:migrate
docker-compose run --rm app rails c
$ (email, password)=["", "secure-password"]
$ Decidim::System::Admin.create!(email: email, password: password, password_confirmation: password)
## 2. Set Credentials
Environnement `RAILS_MASTER_KEY` is a critical value, and should never be in a git file. To be secure by default, you need to setup a new master key:
# remove encrypted files
rm -f config/credentials.yml.enc config/master.key
# set up new credentials
docker-compose run --rm app bash -c 'EDITOR="vim" bin/rails credentials:edit'
# type ":wq" and press enter to save and quit the vim editor (you can leave defaults)
Once you have your master key configured, add it to your deployment manually and **never commit this file**
## 3. Run the app
docker-compose up
# Access localhost:3000 (The rails app)
# How it works
In the docker-compose, you can see:
* (public net) a NGinx that serve the rails app and assets
* (private net) A rails app that serve the decidim app
* (private net) A postgres database
The aims of this docker-compose is to showcase how can we deploy securely
an application for production, with a rails app and database in a private network.
# License
This repository is released under [AGPL-V3](
# Decidim?
[Decidim]( is a participatory democracy framework, written in Ruby on Rails, originally developed for the Barcelona City government online and offline participation website.