oddbird / accoutrement

Combined Sass Accoutrement tools, with option for individual module imports
MIT License
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Sass Accoutrement

Robust design systems require meaningful, readable, reusable code. These Sass utilities are designed to help define and manage your design tokens (colors, fonts, sizes, etc.) in a format that can be understood by both humans and parsers -- opening the door for automation, while improving consistency and readability. These tools also integrate with Herman, our automated living pattern-library generator built on SassDoc.

Brought to you by OddBird -- the creators of Susy, True, and Herman.


Install the package with npm or yarn

npm install accoutrement [--save-dev]
yarn add accoutrement [--dev]

Use what you need:

// all the modules (these are functionally the same)
@use '<path-to>/accoutrement';
@use '<path-to>/accoutrement/sass/tools';

// individual modules (at `/accoutrement/sass/<name>`)
@use '<path-to>/accoutrement/sass/color';

If you're using Eyeglass, you can use the default "tools" using only:

@use 'accoutrement';

Modules for common data types


The Tokens module provides a special syntax for managing design tokens with Sass "map" objects:

$map: (
  'root': 16px,
  'gutter': 1em,

Using the custom syntax, we can extend maps to handle internal reference, and functional adjustments -- capturing meaningful relationships between design tokens:

$map: (
  'root': 16px,
  // internal reference & adjustments
  'gutter': '#root'
      scale: '_major-third' 1,
      'convert-units': 'rem',

Map storage serves a larger purpose:

This module provides the generic (non data-specific) setup and syntax parsing:

Note: We no longer use token maps internally at OddBird since Sass "modules" now provide a way to group & namespace normal Sass variables meaningfully, and access module variables as a map. By relying on core Sass features, we avoid any confusion around the custom token syntax.

Sponsor OddBird's OSS Work

At OddBird, we love contributing to the languages & tools developers rely on. We're currently working on polyfills for new Popover & Anchor Positioning functionality, as well as CSS specifications for functions, mixins, and responsive typography. Help us keep this work sustainable and centered on your needs as a developer! We display sponsor logos and avatars on our website.

Sponsor OddBird's OSS Work