$ gem install igdb_api
$ Igdb.connect('api_key')
Find game by ID
$ Igdb::Game.find(1971)
Search for a game
$ Igdb::Game.search(query: 'batman')
Return the number of games in the database
$ Igdb::Game.count
Return a list of all games with an offset and/or limit
$ Igdb::Game.all
$ Igdb::Game.all(limit: 10) # Limit to 10 results - Default 100
$ Igdb::Game.all(offset: 5) # Offset result starting at 5th - Default 0
Find person by ID or name
$ Igdb::Person.find(4)
$ Igdb::Person.find('derek-watts')
Return the number of people in the database
$ Igdb::Person.count
Return a list of all games with an offset and/or limit
$ Igdb::Person.all
$ Igdb::Person.all(limit: 10) # Limit to 10 results - Default 100
$ Igdb::Person.all(offset: 5) # Offset result starting at 5th - Default 0
Find company by ID or name
$ Igdb::Company.find(70)
$ Igdb::Company.find('nintendo')
Return the number of companies in the database.
$ Igdb::Company.count
Return the games for a company
$ Igdb::Company.find('2000').games
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature