oddsdk / blockpaperscissors

The world's slowest arcade.
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Built by FISSION Discord Discourse

🤔 What's SLW RK'D?

The world's Slowest Arcadeâ„¢.

Current Games:

Block, Paper, Scissors


A game of coordination or chaos based around the consensus mechanism of the FVM.


Currently supported teams(networks):

  1. Filecoin Calibration testnet
  2. Polygon Mumbai testnet
  3. Ethereum Goerli testnet

To participate as a member of a team you will need to add that specific network to your wallet client and obtain some testnet tokens, which will enable you to place votes.

In terms of wallet clients, the path of least resistance will be to install the MetaMask browser extension if you plan to play on desktop. You can install it here.

To add one or all of the different networks to your wallet client, you can use these links:

To obtain testnet tokens from a faucet for a given team, you can use these links:

Live Demo

You can find the deployed version of Block Paper Scissors here


🧱 Built with a modern web stack

The app template is built with modern web technologies:

🚀 Getting Started

You can try out the template yourself here.

Ready? Let's go.

Prerequiste: ensure you are running Node 16.14 or greater, but not Node 17 (18 is fine though!).

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone git@github.com:webnative-examples/slwrkd.git
  2. Install the dependencies.

    npm install
  3. Start the local development server.

    npm run dev
  4. Navigate to http://localhost:5178 in your web browser.