odessajavaclub / coffee-pot

A simple java application to practice with new technologies and for fun
The Unlicense
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hexagonal-architecture spring spring-boot


workflow-ci codecov

This is a simple application, which implements a domain-centric "Hexagonal" approach and demonstrates Microservice Architecture Pattern using Spring Boot.

We try to implement a simple list of topics for our internal java club.



Currently, we use Google Java Style

It is checked during Maven validate phase using maven-checkstyle-plugin

Manually check your code style using Maven:

mvn checkstyle:check

Build fails, if your code doesn't correspond to Google Java Style.

For IntelliJ IDEA there is a plugin CheckStyle-IDEA. It contains a bundled configuration Google Checks, which you should select for this project in preferences.

Phase 0

In one single repo need to implement next items:

A final result of phase0 must be like this:


Phase 1


Launch Instructions

0. Go to project directory in Terminal

1. Build app & Dockerfile

mvn clean install

2. Run docker-compose

cd src/main/docker

docker-compose up

What happens:

  1. Starts Spring boot application which populates database with some test data

3. Try it

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/test and enter credentials:

after this you will be redirected to request response.

4. Stop the app

docker-compose down



Get all active and inactive users http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 GET http://localhost:8080/users

Get users by active http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 GET http://localhost:8080/users?active={true|false}

Get paged users. By default, page = 0 and size = 100 http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 GET http://localhost:8080/users?page={page}&size={size}

Get a user by id http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 GET http://localhost:8080/users/{userId}

Create an active user http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 POST http://localhost:8080/users firstName=Maxim lastName=Sashkin email=max@email.com password=pass123 role=admin

Update a user http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 PUT http://localhost:8080/users/{userId} firstName=MaximUpdated

Delete a user http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/{userId}

Activate a user http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 PUT http://localhost:8080/users/activate/{userId}

Deactivate a user http -a lohika_user@gmail.com:password123 PUT http://localhost:8080/users/deactivate/{userId}