odriverobotics / ros_odrive

MIT License
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ROS2 Package for ODrive

This repository contains ROS2 packages for the ODrive motor controller:

odrive_node and odrive_ros2_control are two alternative approaches and cannot be used at the same time.

For information about installation, prerequisites and getting started, check out the ODrive ROS CAN Package Guide.

Compatible Devices

(not compatible with ODrive 3.x)

System Requirements

Developer Notes

(For user instructions, see this guide instead.)

You can build this node on a non-ROS developer PC by using the DevContainer configurations in this repository. For example with VSCode:

  1. Clone repository

  2. Open the repository folder in VSCode. It should automatically present an option "Reopen in Dev Container". Click on that and select the desired ROS version.

  3. Once it's re-opened, in the VSCode terminal, run:

    colcon build --packages-select odrive_can
    source ./install/setup.bash
  4. Running the node requires hardware access and only works if the container host is Linux.