ods94065 / sdl2-image

Haskell bindings for SDL_image version 2 and greater.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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sdl2-image: Haskell bindings for SDL_image 2.0 and greater


The Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) is a cross-platform development library, written in C, that provides low-level audio, video, and input capabilities for multimedia applications. The SDL_image library extends SDL by providing capabilties for loading and working with a variety of image file formats.

Haskell already has bindings for SDL and SDL_image that work with version 1 of the library. However, the SDL library made a major change to the API with version 2, and SDL_image version 2 and greater changed their implementations to match. The existing Haskell bindings do not work with the updated versions of either of these libraries.

There is a new Haskell library, SDL2, which provides updated bindings for SDL v2 and later. However, it takes a very different approach from the Haskell SDL library it replaces, implementing instead a low-level set of bindings.

Hence, this library. This binding for SDL_image version 2 or greater builds upon SDL2 and currently provides a low-level approach quite similar to SDL2.


module Main (main) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Error
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Prelude hiding (init)

import Graphics.UI.SDL hiding (init, quit)

import Graphics.UI.SDL.Image

type AppM = ErrorT String IO

initApp :: AppM ()
initApp = do
  initializedFlags <- liftIO $ init cFlags
  when (initializedFlags /= cFlags) $ throwError "Error: SDL_image failed to load."

getArg :: AppM String
getArg = liftIO getArgs >>= extractArg
    extractArg [] = throwError "Usage: ex1 <filename>"
    extractArg (arg:_) = return arg

loadImage :: String -> AppM Surface
loadImage = loadImage' >=> peekImage
    cFlags = initFlagsToC [InitPNG]
    loadImage' fileName = liftIO $ withCString fileName load
    peekImage imagePtr = do
      when (imagePtr == nullPtr) $ throwError "Error: Image failed to load."
      liftIO $ peek imagePtr

main :: IO ()
main = runErrorT (initApp >> getArg >>= loadImage) >>= printResult >> quit
    printResult (Left err) = hPutStrLn stderr err
    printResult (Right image) = putStrLn $ show image

See the examples directory for other examples of the library in action.

Building and installing

This library is incompatible with the SDL and SDL-image Haskell packages. You must install the Haskell package sdl2 instead.

To install the package from Hackage:

cabal install sdl2-image

To build from source using GHC (installing in your home directory):

runhaskell Setup.hs --user configure
runhaskell Setup.hs build
runhaskell Setup.hs install


This library has been tested minimally using:

To build and run tests using GHC:

runhaskell Setup.hs --user --enable-tests configure
runhaskell Setup.hs build
runhaskell Setup.hs test

Future directions