oeg-upm / DeltaCimApp

Apache License 2.0
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The CIM allows local infrastructures to communicate with others though a peer-to-peer network. Besides allowing the access of remote infrastructures, the CIM implements a semantic interoperability layer, which translates heterogeneous payloads into JSON-LD modelled with the DELTA ontology by means of interoperability modules. The translation is bidirectional, therefore, when needed the CIM also translates from JSON-LD to a set of heterogeneous formats that follow different models. This potentially leads to having systems developed with different standards communicating transparently.

Additionaly, the CIM allows to consume the data of a local infrastructure using SPARQL queries, or, consume the data from the cloud, i.e., the peer-to-peer network, with SPARQL queries. Other functionalities implemented are: validation of payloads using SHACL shapes on the fly, access control list, jwt token authentication for local infrastructures to interact with the CIM, a GUI for configuring the CIM, and a documented REST API to use the CIM.

Monitoring capabilities:

All the current CIM releases send data about the status of the service to a private secured monitor service, that analyses the health of the services and prevents from potential attacks

Running the CIM:

Go to the release section of this proyect, download the lastest version, and unzip the main file (cim-X.X.X.zip). The output folder has the following structure:

Finally, to run the CIM, type down:

java -jar cim-1.0.0.jar --server.port=8080

WARNING: The argument --server.port must always be specified for the correct functioning of the CIM.

Other flags can be specified to modify the default behaviour of the CIM replacing the values within the characters [ and ] inclusive. For instance, the flag --spring.datasource.username=[USER] should be instantiated as --spring.datasource.username=toor. The list of flags that can be configured are:

Configuring & using the CIM

In order to correctly configure and use the CIM, the user is kindly asked to check the CIM's wiki