see Tools Readme
To build the documentation that is in source
, just run the make.bat
from the commandline with:
make html
try to make file names adhere to these rules:
; this-is-not-snake-case
, this is also not snake case
, absolutelyNotSnakeCase
, IdOnTkNoWwHaTtHiSeVeNiS
) except for the file-extension of course (something.png
is allowed, something.other_thing.png
is not):
, *
, ?
, "
, <
)Create a virtual environment for Python called venv and then install these libraries:
pip install sphinx==4.5.0 sphinxcontrib-images==0.9.4 sphinxcontrib-mermaid==0.7.1 myst-parser==0.17.2 groundwork-sphinx-theme==1.1.1 sphinx-copybutton==0.5.0 sphinxcontrib-fulltoc==1.2.0 antistasi_sqf_tools sphinx-design
then copy the ini file to the root folder of the repo folder
afterwards you can do
antistasi-sqf-tools docs build -b html
to build it locally, it will create it in the directory set in the config (default is created/