offsecginger / CTFd-Docker-Challenges

Docker Challenge creation for CTFd. Allows per team/user containers!
GNU General Public License v3.0
81 stars 51 forks source link

CTFd Docker Plugin

This plugin for CTFd will allow your competing teams/users to start dockerized images for presented challenges. It adds a challenge type "docker" that can be assigned a specific docker image/tag. A few notable requirements:

Important Notes

# Original config.json
    "name": "Another Plugin",
    "route": "/admin/plugin/route"
# Modified config.json
    "name": "Another Plugin",
    "route": "/admin/plugin/route"

NOTE: The above config.json modification only applies to OTHER plugins installed.

Requires flask_wtf pip install flask_wtf


Installation / Configuration

Update: 20210206

Works with 3.2.1
