ofosos / ox-epub

Org mode epub export
GNU General Public License v3.0
93 stars 10 forks source link

[[https://travis-ci.org/ofosos/ox-epub.svg?branch=master]] [[http://stable.melpa.org/packages/ox-epub-badge.svg]]

Generate =.epub= files directly from OrgMode. This will export EPUB version 2, which should give broad compatibility. It should also be relatiely easy to convert the resulting =.epub= to a =.mobi= (Kindle).

** Prerequisites

This depends on Emacs 24.3 and OrgMode 9, it won't work on OrgMode 8 or any version of Emacs before 24.3.

You will also need a working version of the =zip= utility.

** Installation

If you have MELPA stable activated, it is as simple as this:

=M-x package-install RET ox-epub RET=

** Usage

See the =sample= directory for a sample of what ox-epub can do.

Hit =C-c C-e E e= to publish the current buffer to an EPUB.

There are some required export options that need to be set. These are

Furthermore there are some properties which are optional:

The only other option that is exported:

** Features

Currently =ox-epub= can do the following:

** Caveats

** Coffee

I very much like coffee, so if you want to contribute to my coffee fund, you can now do that :)
