ogarreche / Ensemble_Learning_2_Levels_IDS

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A Two-Level Ensemble Learning Framework for Enhancing Network Intrusion Detection Systems


The exponential growth of intrusions on networked systems inspires new research directions on developing artificial intelligence (AI) techniques for intrusion detection systems (IDS). In this context, several AI techniques have been leveraged for automating network intrusion detection tasks. However, each AI model has unique strengths points and weaknesses, and one may be better than the other depending on the dataset, which might aggravate which model to choose. Thus, combining these AI models can improve their use of generalization and application in network intrusion detection tasks. In this paper, we aim to fill such a gap by evaluating diverse ensemble methods for network intrusion detection systems. In particular, we build a two-level ensemble learning framework for evaluating such ensemble learning methods in network intrusion detection tasks. In the first level of our framework, we load the input dataset, train the base learners and ensemble methods, and generate the evaluation metrics. This level also produces new datasets (needed to train the second level) based on both prediction probabilities of base and ensemble models used in the first level. The second level of the framework consists of loading the datasets generated from the first level, training the ensemble methods, and generating the evaluation metrics. Our framework also considers feature selection for both levels. In particular, we perform XAI-based feature selection in the first level and Information Gain-based feature selection in the second level. We present results for several ensemble model combinations in our two-level framework (i.e., 24 methods), including different bagging, stacking, and boosting methods on several base learners (e.g., decision trees, support vector machines, deep neural networks, and others). We evaluate our framework on three network intrusion datasets with different characteristics (RoEduNet-SIMARGL2021, NSL-KDD, and CICIDS-2017). We also categorize AI models according to their performances on our evaluation metrics.
Our evaluation shows that it is beneficial to perform two-level learning for most setups considered in this work. We also release our source codes for the community to access as a baseline two-level ensemble learning framework for network intrusion detection.


Figure 1 - A high-level overview of our Ensemble Learning framework for network intrusion detection. It considers a diverse set of AI models and network intrusion datasets. image

Figure 1 shows two major areas (i.e., Level 00 and Level 01 ) divided by a horizontal line, indicated by the blocks on the left-handed side in a vertical position. The diagram is read from bottom to top, analogous to a pyramid that starts by building a strong foundation and then grows vertically with stacking, and its vertical layout is due to the ensemble learning methods applied in this work.

Figure 2 - A low-level overview of our Ensemble Learning framework for network intrusion detection. It considers a diverse set of AI models and network intrusion datasets. image

We now explain the Low-Level Ensemble Learning Pipeline Components (shown in Figure 2). The reader may follow the arrows in the block diagram to facilitate its readability. Each arrow type has a color code: black refers to processes in Level 00, orange relates to processes in Level 01, and the green arrow marks the transition from Level 00 to Level 01. Each block group has sub-groups that indicate that they are a set or included in the context of the outer block. Also, note that some blocks have different colors for easy identification (e.g., the base models are gray). These blocks seen before may appear in another context (i.e., inside other blocks). For example, note that base models (gray) appear as a small gray block inside stacking.

Main Results:

Figure 3 - The summary of all results in this work. Our framework provides higher performance metrics and lower FPR. image

Our two-level framework offers flexibility in the way it is built. Differently from previous works, it goes beyond applying ensemble learning techniques directly to the datasets, it uses the predictions obtained to generate four new meta-datasets based on classes and prediction probabilities which is applied to all the models used in Level 00 and ensemble learning techniques. This setup provides an extensive evaluation of the three datasets used, among them the RoEduNet-SIMARGL2021 which is considered real-world and not yet evaluated in this context from the literature gathered to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, it permits the use of feature selection techniques at both levels, enriching the pool of results and insights gathered. Moreover, this work presents an extensive evaluation that is not present in other works, we analyze 21 models/ensemble methods in 6 different setups (two Level 00 setups and four Level 01 setups) in three different datasets, generating results for Accuracy, Precision, Recall, F1, Runtime, False Positive Rates, and a Statistical Significance test. Plus, we achieve perfect and near-perfect results for a few models considering the FPR and the F1 score, both metrics are particularly crucial for IDS. This is because security analysts, stakeholders and users need to do everything in their power to identify a possible threat accurately and as fastest as possible as undetected attacks can cause significant damage. We also want to stress that we took the extra step and we made the codes open source. The way they are built is to be easily expandable to use with other datasets and further analysis. As a side note, we want to express that when we say Framework, we are specifically meaning that our program is an end-to-end solution delineated by our low-level framework (Figure 2) that starts at the datasets, then processing all the inner work and extracting the results. It is not a deployable solution for production since it is not extensively tested or validated by an auditory company, but instead, a proof of concept of the benefits of using our proposed framework and a crucial stepping-stone in enhancing the field of AI-based network IDS.


I uploaded HITL.yml if you want to used the same environemt as we used. Note: for importing environment see the Importing Environments section https://conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/cheatsheet.html


Download one of the datasets.

RoEduNet-SIMARGL2021: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/7f91274fa3074d53e983f6eb7a7b24ad1dca136ca967ad0ebe48955e246c24ee

CICIDS-2017: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/cicdataset/cicids2017

NSL-KDD: https://www.unb.ca/cic/datasets/nsl.html

How to use the programs:

Inside the CICIDS or SIMARGL or NSLKDD folder you will find programs for each model used in this paper. Each one of these programs outputs:


Inside the NSLKDD folder, see NLSKDD_level_00_example.ipynb and NLSKDD_level_01_example.ipynb. These are example programs with reduced dataset and comments.


Please cite our paper if it was useful to you :)


Note: The programs were tested on linux. If using windows, you might run in the error: "UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x96 in position 22398: invalid start byte ", please refer to: https://github.com/ogarreche/Ensemble_Learning_2_Levels_IDS/issues/1