ogorzalka / Commentatic

Use the magic of Statamic to power your comments
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Commentatic, static comments for Statamic

Use the magic of Statamic to power your comments


Installation & Config

Copy first the commentatic.yaml.sample file from the plugin folder to _config/add-ons/commentatic.yaml

Then field the following parameters :

Create a folder dedicated to the comments in the _content folder. Assign write permissions to the folder.

Comment listing usage

Use the {{commentatic:listing}} method in the same way as for the Statamic {{entries:listing}} method. The options are similar except that you don't have to specify the limit (defined in the config file).

{{ commentatic:listing }}
<div class="row">
    <div class="entry clearfix">
      {{ if no_results }}
        <h3>Hey! No comment. <a href="#post-comment">Why not post one ?</a></h3>
      {{ else }}
      <div class="span2">
        <div class="entry-meta">{{ username }}</div>
        <a href="https://github.com/ogorzalka/Commentatic/blob/master/{{ gravatar_profile }}">{{ avatar }}</a>
        <div class="entry-meta">Posted on <span class="date"> {{ last_modified format="F jS, Y H:i" }}</span>.</div>
      <div class="span6">
              {{ content }}
    {{ endif }}
{{ /commentatic:listing }}

If you use the pagination, The use is similar to the method {{ entries:pagination }}. Except that you don't specify the limit parameter (defined in the config file).

Comment form usage

To display the form for writing a comment, use the method {{ commentatic:form }}

Here are the options :

class : Sets the class name of the form tag id : Sets the ID of the form tag required : Sets the required fields. Separated by |.(no default but username, email and comment are always required) honeypot : activate or not the honeypot against bot (default : true)

Example of usage :

{{ commentatic:form honeypot="true" id="post-comment" }} {{ if error}}


      {{ errors }}
      {{ /errors }}
  {{ endif }}

  {{ if success }}
      <p>Your message has been sent!</p>
  {{ else }}
      {{ if logged_in }}
      <div class="clearfix">
        <p class="offset2">Logged in as <strong>{{ username }}</strong></p>
      {{ else }}
      <p class="offset2">
          <label for="username">Username*:</label><br />
          <input type="text" name="username" id="username" value="{{ post:username }}" placeholder="Your Username">
      <p class="offset2">
          <label  for="from">Email*:</label><br />
          <input type="text" name="email" id="email" value="{{ post:email }}" placeholder="Your email address">
      {{ endif }}
      <p class="clearfix">
        <label class="span2" for="comment">Your comment:</label>
        <textarea class="span6" type="text" rows="5" name="comment" id="comment" placeholder="Your thoughts here !">{{ post:comment }}</textarea>
      <p class="clearfix"><input class="offset2 btn" value="Send comment" type="submit"></p>
  {{ endif }}

{{ /commentatic:form }}
