ohcnetwork / care_fe

Care is a Digital Public Good enabling TeleICU & Decentralised Administration of Healthcare Capacity across States.
MIT License
255 stars 441 forks source link
digital-public-goods hacktoberfest healthcare hmis


Our goal is to continuously improve the quality and accessibility of public healthcare services using digital tools.

πŸš€ Staging Deployment

[![Netlify Status](https://api.netlify.com/api/v1/badges/de76351f-b1f0-4bf8-8445-d9faf6391b13/deploy-status)](https://app.netlify.com/sites/care-ohc/deploys)

Auto deployed to care.ohc.network for develop branch. All pull requests have preview builds powered by Netlify.

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The page will be automatically reloaded when you make edits and save. You will also see any lint errors in the console. #### πŸ”‘ Staging API Credentials Authenticate to staging API with any of the following credentials ```yaml - username: dev-districtadmin password: Coronasafe@123 role: District Admin - username: staffdev password: Coronasafe@123 role: Nurse - username: doctordev password: Coronasafe@123 role: Doctor ``` #### Contributing to CARE - Create a branch with branch name of the format `issues/{issue#}/{short-name}` (example `issues/7001/edit-prescriptions`) from the latest [`develop`](https://github.com/ohcnetwork/care_fe/tree/develop) branch when starting to work on an issue. - Once the changes are pushed to the branch, make a pull request with a meaningful title (example: "πŸ’Š Adds support for editing prescriptions" #6369) - Ensure the issue number is mentioned in the PR with a closing tag by following the PR body template. (Refer: [Linking a pull request to an issue](https://docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking-your-work-with-issues/linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue#linking-a-pull-request-to-an-issue-using-a-keyword)) - Once the code review is done, the PR will be marked with a "Needs Testing" label where it'll be queued for QA testing. - Once tested, the PR would be marked with a "Tested" label and would be queued for merge. ### Translations All strings must be encased in i18n translations. New translation strings must be specified in `src`->`Locale`->`en`. Do not add translations for languages other than english through pull requests. Other language translations can be contributed through [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/ohccarefe) ### Testing To ensure the quality of our pull requests, we use a variety of tools: - **Automated E2E Testing:** We use Cypress for end-to-end testing to automatically verify the functionality and performance of our code. - **Manual Real Device Testing:** We use BrowserStack to manually test our code on real devices, ensuring compatibility and functionality across different platforms and browsers. #### πŸ§ͺ Run cypress tests To run cypress tests locally, you'll need to setup the backend to run locally and load dummy data required for cypress to the database. See [docs](https://github.com/ohcnetwork/care#self-hosting). Once backend is running locally, you'll have to ensure your local front-end is connected to local backend, by setting the `REACT_CARE_API_URL` env. ```env #.env REACT_CARE_API_URL= ``` Once done, start the development server by running ```sh npm run dev ``` Once development server is running, then run the cypress tests in either of the ways described below. ```sh npm run cypress:run # To run all tests in headless mode. ``` ```sh npm run cypress:run:gui # To run all tests in headed mode. ``` ```sh npm run cypress:open # To debug and run tests individually. ``` - Failed test screenshots are saved in `cypress/screenshots` - All test videos are saved in `cypress/videos` ## πŸ“– Documentations - [CARE Documentation](https://docs.ohc.network/docs/care) - [Swagger API Documentation](https://careapi.ohc.network/swagger/) - [Testing Documentation](https://docs.coronasafe.network/care-testing-documentation/) ## πŸš€ Production #### Build the app for production ```sh npm run build ``` Builds the app for production to the `build` folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. #### Start a production `http-server` ```sh npm run preview ``` Starts a production http-server in local to run the project with Service worker. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. **πŸš€ Your app is ready to be deployed!**