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UnboundLocalError: local variable 'hashtag_id' referenced before assignment #1207

Closed gixxerfrank closed 4 years ago

gixxerfrank commented 4 years ago

Please follow the guide below

Before submitting an issue, make sure you have:

Purpose of your issue?

The following sections requests more details for particular types of issues, you can remove any section (the contents between the triple ---) not applicable to your issue.

For a bug report, you must include the Python version used, code that will reproduce the error, and the error log/traceback.

Paste the output of 3.7.2 here:


-- coding: utf-8 --

import os import sys import threading import time from glob import glob

import config

sys.path.append(os.path.join(sys.path[0], "../../")) import schedule # noqa: E402 from instabot import Bot, utils # noqa: E402

bot = Bot( comments_file=config.COMMENTS_FILE, blacklist_file=config.BLACKLIST_FILE, whitelist_file=config.WHITELIST_FILE, friends_file=config.FRIENDS_FILE, ) bot.login() bot.logger.info("RosieBotV3")

random_user_file = utils.file(config.USERS_FILE) random_hashtag_file = utils.file(config.HASHTAGS_FILE) photo_captions_file = utils.file(config.PHOTO_CAPTIONS_FILE) posted_pic_list = utils.file(config.POSTED_PICS_FILE).list

pics = sorted([os.path.basename(x) for x in glob(config.PICS_PATH + "/*.jpg")])

def stats(): bot.save_user_stats(bot.user_id)

def like_hashtags(): bot.like_hashtag(random_hashtag_file.random(), amount=300 // 24)

def like_timeline(): bot.like_timeline(amount=200 // 24)

def like_followers_from_random_user_file(): bot.like_followers(random_user_file.random(), nlikes=3)

def follow_followers(): bot.follow_followers( random_user_file.random(), nfollows=config.NUMBER_OF_FOLLOWERS_TO_FOLLOW )

def comment_medias():


def unfollow_non_followers(): bot.unfollow_non_followers( n_to_unfollows=config.NUMBER_OF_NON_FOLLOWERS_TO_UNFOLLOW )

def follow_users_from_hashtag_file(): bot.follow_users(bot.get_hashtag_users(random_hashtag_file.random()))

def comment_hashtag():

#hashtag = random_hashtag_file.random()
#bot.logger.info("Commenting on hashtag: " + hashtag)

def upload_pictures(): # Automatically post a pic in 'pics' folder

   # for pic in pics:
       # if pic in posted_pic_list:

        #caption = photo_captions_file.random()
        #full_caption = caption + "\n" + config.FOLLOW_MESSAGE
        #bot.logger.info("Uploading pic with caption: " + caption)
        #bot.upload_photo(config.PICS_PATH + pic, caption=full_caption)
        #if bot.api.last_response.status_code != 200:
            #bot.logger.error("Something went wrong, read the following ->\n")
           # break

        #if pic not in posted_pic_list:
            # After posting a pic, comment it with all the
            # hashtags specified in config.PICS_HASHTAGS
           # posted_pic_list.append(pic)
            #with open("pics.txt", "a") as f:
                #f.write(pic + "\n")
            #bot.logger.info("Succesfully uploaded: " + pic)
            #bot.logger.info("Commenting uploaded photo with hashtags...")
            #medias = bot.get_your_medias()
            #last_photo = medias[0]  # Get the last photo posted
            #bot.comment(last_photo, config.PICS_HASHTAGS)
#except Exception as e:
    #bot.logger.error("Couldn't upload pic")

def put_non_followers_on_blacklist(): # put non followers on blacklist try: bot.logger.info("Creating non-followers list") followings = set(bot.following) followers = set(bot.followers) friends = bot.friends_file.set # same whitelist (just user ids) non_followers = followings - followers - friends for user_id in non_followers: bot.blacklist_file.append(user_id, allow_duplicates=False) bot.logger.info("Done.") except Exception as e: bot.logger.error("Couldn't update blacklist") bot.logger.error(str(e))

def run_threaded(job_fn): job_thread = threading.Thread(target=job_fn) job_thread.start()

schedule.every(1).hour.do(run_threaded, stats) schedule.every(1).hours.do(run_threaded, like_hashtags) schedule.every(1).hours.do(run_threaded, like_timeline) schedule.every(1).days.at("22:00").do( run_threaded, like_followers_from_random_user_file ) schedule.every(2).days.at("11:00").do(run_threaded, follow_followers)

schedule.every(16).hours.do(run_threaded, comment_medias)

schedule.every(1).days.at("08:00").do(run_threaded, unfollow_non_followers) schedule.every(12).hours.do(run_threaded, follow_users_from_hashtag_file)

schedule.every(6).hours.do(run_threaded, comment_hashtag)

schedule.every(1).days.at("21:28").do(run_threaded, upload_pictures)

schedule.every(4).days.at("07:50").do(run_threaded, put_non_followers_on_blacklist)

while True: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1)

Describe your issue

when the script is running this error pops up and I am unsure why.

Exception in thread Thread-7:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 917, in _bootstrap_inner self.run() File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/threading.py", line 865, in run self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) File "/Users/frankbernardo/Projects/Digitize_V4/gixxerfrank/examples/ultimate_schedule/ultimate.py", line 37, in like_hashtags bot.like_hashtag(random_hashtag_file.random(), amount=300 // 24) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/instabot/bot/bot.py", line 722, in like_hashtag return like_hashtag(self, hashtag, amount) File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/site-packages/instabot/bot/bot_like.py", line 252, in like_hashtag hashtag_id=hashtag_id, UnboundLocalError: local variable 'hashtag_id' referenced before assignment

duplicate-issues[bot] commented 4 years ago

Hey @gixxerfrank,

We did a quick check and this issue looks very darn similar to

This could be a coincidence, but if any of these issues solves your problem then I did a good job :smile:

If not, the maintainers will get to this issue shortly.

Cheers, Your Friendly Neighborhood ProBot