ok97465 / spyder_okvim

A plugin for Spyder to enable Vim keybindings
MIT License
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easymotion plugin python spyder spyder-plugin vim

Spyder Okvim

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Spyder Plugin for executing Vim commands inside the code editor. This repository is reusing some codes of spyder-ide/spyder-vim

Don't make an issue to spyder github after install okvim.

If you have a problem after installing this, please retry after uninstalling okvim.

Known Issues


This plugin supports movements.

This plugin supports a combination of operators and motions

This plugin supports spyder command.

This plugin support macro(experimental).

Movements Combination Spyder command
movement gif combination gif spyder cmd gif


To install this plugin, you can install the package locally using pip as it follows.

pip install -U .

If spyder-vim is installed, you need to uninstall it.


The following modes are supported:


The following actions are supported:


The following motions are supported:

Vim keys

Special keys

Vim Surround

The following action are supported:

Fuzzy path finder

The shortcut to invoke the fuzzy path finder is Ctrl+p. You can use ^p, ^n, ^f, ^b, ^u, ^d to navigate the path list.

fuzzy path finder

Config page

config page



You can use EasyMotion commands as an argument for d, c, or any other command that takes motion as an argument.

Motion Command Description
<leader><leader> w Start of word forwards
<leader><leader> b Start of word backwards
<leader><leader> j Start of line forwards
<leader><leader> k Start of line backwards
<leader><leader> f <char> Find character forwards
<leader><leader> F <char> Find character backwards

Search 2ch(like vim-sneak)

Jump to any location specified by two characters.

It works with multiple lines, operators (including repeat .) motion-repeat (; and ,), visual mode.

This search is invoked with s by exactly two characters. This search is invoked with operators via z (because s is taken by vim surround)

After searching for two characters, if there are the characters in another group, a comment is displayed around the group. sneak