okfn-brasil / gastos_abertos_website

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Gastos Abertos Website

Static website for Gastos Abertos Project using Flask.


Install Pandoc

You need Pandoc to convert the Markdown files to HTML. Install it following:


Create Virtual environment

$ mkvirtualenv py
$ workon py

Instal Pyandoc

Do not use pip version, because it has Pandoc binary path hardcoded in it.

$ git clone git@github.com:kennethreitz/pyandoc.git
$ cd pyandoc
$ python setup.py install

Clone Gastos Abertos Repository

$ git clone https://github.com/okfn-brasil/gastos_abertos_website.git

Install dependencies

$ cd gastos_abertos_website
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Build pages and run

First build the pages to build/ directory:

$ fab run_local build_static

Run localserver:

$ fab run_local run_server


$ fab test