okfn / opendataindex

Open Data Index website
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This codebase represents the static Index website generator for the Global Open Data Index before 2016. The current Survey and Index codebase are now unified at: https://github.com/okfn/opendatasurvey.

Open Data Index

(c) 2013-2015 Open Knowledge Foundation (trading as Open Knowledge). Licensed under the AGPL

This is the code that powers the Open Data Index, an Open Knowledge initiative.

The Open Data Index displays a snapshot of data collected in an Open Data Survey.

This new Index codebase was written for the 2014 Global Survey, and can be used with any survey powered by the survey codebase.

The code generates a static site using Pelican, a Python-based static site generator.


Getting setup with the code is easy if you have some familiarity with Python and virtualenv.

Use python cli/debug.py commad instead of odi command in development mode and to be sure it's a fresh version of CLI. It's possible to use pelican --debug -s config_default.py -o output content && cd output && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4444 for site building and viewing to avoide Pelican built-in server. Also python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4444 can be usefull before pushing to gh-pages branch.

Pelican documentation for more information


from config_default import *
ODI['database'] = {
    'entries': 'http://global.census.okfn.org/api/entries/{year}.cascade.json',
    'places': 'http://global.census.okfn.org/api/places/score/{year}.cascade.json',
    'datasets': 'http://global.census.okfn.org/api/datasets/score/{year}.cascade.json',
    'questions': 'http://global.census.okfn.org/api/api/questions.json',
from config_default import *
ODI['limited']: {
    'places': ['au'], # any place identifier
    'datasets': ['timetables'] # any dataset identifier


Data is prepared by the python script. This pulls data from the Open Data Index Survey (Census), processes it in various ways and then writes it to the data directory.

To run the script do:

odi prepare


Once the data has been prepared via the process.py script, there is an additional step to create the source files that will be used to generate the static site. All source files for rendering pages live under content/pages, and in this location, everything under datasets, historical and places is generated by running the following command:

odi populate

If your your census data is sizable, or if you have many languages, Pelican's build times can be considerable, and this is a pain in development. To counter this, there is a --limited flag for populate that will generate a subset of places and datasets (configured on the ODI object in the settings file):

odi populate --limited


Steps to create a snapshot for deployment::

odi populate
odi deploy


Data is found in the data directory. This both powers the site build and is usuable in its own right (as a Tabular Data Package).


The Open Data Index has a small set of tools and patterns for implementing visualisations. The first visualisation is the Choropleth map (described below), and this is the reference implementation for other visualisations to follow.

Visualisations have the following features:

Choropleth map

Displays Open Data Index data via a map interface.

This visualisation is embedded in the project home page, and also available via its permalink:

Or its embeddable version:

Map state

The state of the map is configurable: internally, via the uiState object, and via query params passed on the URL to the map.

The use case for this is to enable embedding of a particular state. The uiState object has the following defaults:

uiStateDefaults = {
    embed: {
        width: '100%', // min-width for the map is 400px
        height: '100%',// min-height for the map is 360px
        title: 'Open Data Index'
    filter: {
        year: currentYear,
        dataset: 'all'
    panel: {
        name: true,
        tools: true,
        help: true,
        legend: true,
    map: {
        place: undefined
    asQueryString: undefined

These defaults can be customized on initialisation of the map via URL params (a subset of the full uiState object):

  1. 2014 / All datsets


  1. 2014 / Government spending


Data tables

Displays the Index data in a tabular format. This visualisation is not currently embeddedable.

There are two types of tables:


Open Data Index exposes a (simple) API for programmatic access to data. Currently, the API is available in both JSON and CSV formats.

API endpoints


Returns all entries in the database.


Returns entries sliced by year.

Available years:


Returns all datasets in the database.


Returns all datasets sliced by category, where category is a slugified string of the dataset category.

Available categories:


Returns all places in the database.


Returns all questions in the database.


There are two types of Open Data Index content to translate: strings in the codebase, and strings in the source data.

Translations are managed with the Transifex client:


URL Aliases

If migrating from a previous Index site to the new static site, you'll need to implement aliases from some old URLs to the new ones. For all common URLs related to the Open Data Index, this is taken care of via the alias meta data per page. For the content sources that are not auto-generated (such as about, methodology, etc.), you can simply add a list of comma-separated URL paths to alias.


Download feedback form

The site features integration with Google Forms for feedback on the download page.