okmika / TKMM-SARC

A SARC and BGYML merging and packaging library for TKMM
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SARC/BYML Packager and Merger

This project is part of TKMM and is used as part of the mod manager's functionality. It can also be used standalone if need be, using the instructions below.


There is a library that you can use in your own executables to assemble, package, and merge SARC archives, BYML files, and GameDataList files.

Alternatively, you can use the executables to perform all of those operations from the command line.

What does the executable tool do?

SarcTool has three primary modes of operation: assemble, package and merge:

Assembling flat files

SarcTool.exe assemble --mod [mod]


The assemble command will overwrite files in your mod folder. Please make sure you are working on a copy of everything in case you need to roll back the changes made.


SarcTool.exe assemble --mod "C:\My Mods\My Great Mod Folder"
  TKMM.SarcTool assemble [options]

  --mod <mod> (REQUIRED)        Path to the mod to perform the assembly on
  --config <config>             Path to the TKMM configuration files (config.json). Default if not specified.
  -?, -h, --help                Show help and usage information

Note: The first time you run assemble, SarcTool will build a database of files inside the archives. If you update your game's version, you should delete the archivemappings.bin file in the TKMM configuration folder (typically in %localappdata%\totk on Windows) to allow SarcTool to regenerate the database, otherwise the assembly function will not work as intended.

Packaging archives

SarcTool.exe package --mod [mod] --output [output]


SarcTool.exe package --mod "C:\My Mods\My Great Mod Folder" --output "C:\My Mods\combined\My Great Mod"

Some optional parameters exist. Here is the full help, which can be accessed any time by running the tool without the required parameters:

  TKMM.SarcTool package [options]

  --mod <mod> (REQUIRED)        Path to the mod to perform the packaging on
  --output <output> (REQUIRED)  Merged mods output directory
  --config <config>             Path to the TKMM config json. Default if not specified.
  --checksum <checksum>         Path to the TKMM checksum database. Default if not specified.
  --versions <versions>         Versions to try and package against [default: 100|110|111|112|120|121]
  -?, -h, --help                Show help and usage information

Merging archives

SarcTool.exe merge --mods [modlist] --base [base] --output [output]


SarcTool.exe merge --base "C:\My Mods" --mods "My Great Mod" "Another Great Mod" --output "C:\My Mods\combined"

Some optional parameters exist. Here is the full help, which can be accessed any time by running the tool without the required parameters:

  TKMM.SarcTool merge [options]

  --base <base> (REQUIRED)      The base folder path containing the mod subfolders
  --mods <mods> (REQUIRED)      A list of mod folder names, within the base mod folder, to merge, in order of priority, from lowest to highest
  --output <output> (REQUIRED)  Merged mods output directory
  --config <config>             Path to the TKMM config json. Default if not specified.
  -?, -h, --help                Show help and usage information

Miscellaneous Commands

Comparing GameDataList Files

You can use the compare command to compare two GameDataList files and see if there are any differences. The tool won't tell you what differences there are, just that they are different. This is not a byte-for-byte compare; the tool compares all of the entries logically to determine if there are any changes.

  Compare two GameDataList files for differences

  TKMM.SarcTool comparegdl [options]

  --files <files> (REQUIRED)  Path to the two GDL files to compare
  --config <config>           Path to the TKMM configuration files (config.json). Default if not specified.
  --verbose                   Enable verbose output
  -?, -h, --help              Show help and usage information