oknozor / freedesktop-icons

A rust freedestkop icon lookup implementation
MIT License
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This crate provides a freedesktop icon lookup implementation.

It exposes a single lookup function to find icons based on their name, theme, size and scale.


Simple lookup:

The following snippet get an icon from the default 'hicolor' theme with the default scale (1) and the default size (24).

 use freedesktop_icons::lookup;

 let icon = lookup("firefox").find();

Complex lookup:

If you have specific requirements for your lookup you can use the provided builder functions:

 use freedesktop_icons::lookup;

 let icon = lookup("firefox")


If your application is going to repeat the same icon lookups multiple times you can use the internal cache to improve performance.

 use freedesktop_icons::lookup;

 let icon = lookup("firefox")