okteto / kafka-stack

Deploy Kafka and Kafdrop using Okteto and docker compose
Apache License 2.0
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Deploy your Kafka Stack with Okteto

Deploy Zookeeper, Kafka, and Kafdropfrom your terminal using the Okteto CLI.

okteto up

Once you've deployed your stack, login to Okteto Cloud to see the state of your Okteto stack, logs, and endpoints. The stack includes:

You can access the endpoints from your Okteto Cloud dashboard.

Try the App

To try it out, send a JSON message to the producer service, replacing the URL with your own:

curl -X POST https://producer-cindylopez.cloud.okteto.net -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"message":"hello world!"}'

The consumer service will then pick up the message you posted and log it in the dashboard.