okuoku / rapid-gambit

Gambit R4RS port of rapid-scheme
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Gambit port of rapid-scheme.


It runs some R7RS programs with Gambit interpreter.

About 80 % of R7RS symbols implemented(or stubbed out). See Status page for current status.


Larceny can be Win32 native version even if you build on Cygwin. Build script will automagically converts Cygwin path into Win32 path when invoke Larceny to bootstrap rapid-scheme.

Build script will automatically detect chibi-scheme and use it when Larceny is not available.


Since rapid-scheme is written in R7RS and Gambit is R5RS, we will need other R7RS to bootstrap. Currently we use Larceny for this purpose.

CMakeLists.txt assumes rapid-scheme submodule initialized properly.

# Initialize submodule first
git submodule update --init

# Create build directory anywhere you want
mkdir _build
cd _build

# Generate Makefile
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/rapid-gambit ../   # Path to this repository

# Build and test
make test

# Installation
make install

# Run program
/opt/rapid-gambit/bin/rapid-gambit prog.scm

CMakeLists.txt will accept following variables:

Repository structure

Compiled-in/distributed with rapid-gambit executable:

Build support:

External project:


Rapid-Gambit is combination of: