This Notepad++ plugin requires .NET v4.0 or higher.
The current release of CS-Script targets .NET Core family runtime (.NET 6).
CS-Script started targeting .NET 5+ about a year ago as .NET Framework further development has been effectively cancelled by the .NET team.
Since the plugin is shipped with the engine targeting by default .NET Core, some users who are still relying on .NET Framework will need to use older versions of the plugin. Unfortunatelly Notepad++ has introduced recently some breaking changes so you will need to downgrade both Notepadd++ and the plugin (see this Issue to find out the compatible combination).
Total downloads via Notepad++ Plugin Manager: Total Downloads Count:
Downloads Statistics
* statistics does not include x64 downloads nor downloads after Notepad++ discontinued shiping editor with the x86 plugin manager included
Starting from v1.3 plugin delivers full support for VB.NET syntax. More reading...
You can also run scripts targeting .NET 5/Core runtime.
This plugin allows convenient editing and execution of the C# code (scripts). It also allows the usual C# intellisense and project management tasks to be performed in a way very similar to the MS Visual Studio.
Older versions of plugin that targer .NET Framework provide generic debugging functionality (with the integrated Managed Debugger) as well as the ability to prepare C# scripts for the deployment packages (script+engine or self-contained executable). Debugging is not supported on the .NET Core editions.
Typically user opens the C# file with Notepad++ and after presses 'Load' button on the CS-Script toolbar the all features can be accessed through two Notepad++ dockable panels Project and Output panel.
Debugger is only available for older versions of plugin that targer .NET Framework but not .NET Core. For .NET Core use Visual studio to debug your scripts.
Note: the default compiler engine of the plugin is Roslyn. The engine fully supports both C# and VB.NET syntax but there is some usability information for these syntaxes that you may need to be aware of. See C# 7 support for and VB.NET support details.
Based on 'plain vanilla' ECMA-compliant C# code
Inclusion of the dependency scripts via CS-Script directives
Implicit assembly referencing via automatic resolving namespaces into assemblies
Explicit assembly referencing via CS-Script directives
Debug output interception
Console output interception
Conventional build/execution error reporting
Debugging (.NET Framework only)
After the installation start Notepad++ and click "Project Panel" button on the toolbar (or "Project Panel" menu item in the Plugins->CS-Script menu).
Then Click 'New Script' button. The script is ready. Just press F5 and see the script being executed.