olifanton / ton

PHP SDK library for The Open Network blockchain
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Doc updates #8

Closed jchansen925 closed 8 months ago

jchansen925 commented 9 months ago


Hi Roman, here is my first shot at reworking the documentation. I have separated the sections in the README.md file into different sections.

If you do not like this separation, I could re-work the original README file to resemble this one: https://github.com/othneildrew/Best-README-Template/blob/master/README.md

Thanks, John

romanzaycev commented 9 months ago


Ty for PR! I have written some comments on your code, please read and make the necessary changes

jchansen925 commented 8 months ago


Hi Roman, I am having difficulty finding your comments for this PR. Could you direct me to their location in the code or put them here as a reply?

Thanks, John