olifanton / ton

PHP SDK library for The Open Network blockchain
MIT License
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PHP SDK for "The Open Network" blockchain

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composer require olifanton/ton


See examples directory.

Running examples

  1. Clone repository and install with development dependencies;
  2. Get own testnet API key for Toncenter from Telegram bot;
  3. Copy .env.dist to .env;
  4. Put API key and seed phrase variables to .env file;
  5. Run examples in console.


Toncenter transport initialization

To use the SDK via Toncenter API, an HTTP client implementation is required. For the example, Guzzle will be used. If you are using another HTTP client supplied by your framework, refer to your framework's documentation and the httplug documentation for additional information.

  1. Install http components via Composer:

    composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle http-interop/http-factory-guzzle php-http/guzzle7-adapter
  2. Setup Toncenter transport:


use Http\Client\Common\HttpMethodsClient; use Http\Discovery\Psr18ClientDiscovery; use Http\Discovery\Psr17FactoryDiscovery; use Olifanton\Ton\Transports\Toncenter\ToncenterHttpV2Client; use Olifanton\Ton\Transports\Toncenter\ClientOptions; use Olifanton\Ton\Transports\Toncenter\ToncenterTransport;

$isMainnet = false; $toncenterApiKey = "..."; // Request API key from https://t.me/tontestnetapibot or https://t.me/tonapibot

// HTTP client initialization $httpClient = new HttpMethodsClient( Psr18ClientDiscovery::find(), Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findRequestFactory(), Psr17FactoryDiscovery::findStreamFactory(), );

// Toncenter API client initialization $toncenter = new ToncenterHttpV2Client( $httpClient, new ClientOptions( $isMainnet ? "https://toncenter.com/api/v2" : "https://testnet.toncenter.com/api/v2", $toncenterApiKey, ), );

// Transport initialization $toncenterTransport = new ToncenterTransport($toncenter);

// ...

// Now you can use Toncenter transport as access point to blockchain $toncenterTransport->send($someBoc);

See [`examples/common.php`](./examples/common.php) for complex Toncenter example.

### SDK components

#### Primitives

To read description of primitives (Address, Cell, Slice, Builder, Hashmap), refer to documentation in the [`olifanton/interop`](https://github.com/olifanton/interop) repository.

### Performance tips

- First of all, use the latest version of PHP, despite the fact that the minimum version is 8.1
- __Install__ the `bcmath` extension for PHP. This dramatically speeds up the work with large integers, which is necessary for interacting with TVM
- __Disable__ `xdebug` (or other debuggers) in your production. BoC serialisation/deserialisation speedup can be up to 5 times with `XDEBUG_MODE=off`


## Contributing

Please make sure to read the [Olifanton contribution guide](https://github.com/olifanton/.github/blob/main/profile/CONTRIBUTING.md) before making a pull request.


## Tests

composer run test:unit
