oliyh / re-jump.el

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Subscriptions #10

Closed davidpham87 closed 4 years ago

davidpham87 commented 4 years ago


I think the packages only work for keywords events, would it be possible to extend it to subscriptions as well?

Cheers, David

oliyh commented 4 years ago


It works for subs too - it's looking for reg-* ::kw

Is it working for events but not subs for you?


davidpham87 commented 4 years ago


Indeed, it is working for events but not subscriptions. The error message is Can't find namespace xyz.subs. It expands correctly the fully qualified keyword but then does not find the associated namespace. I find it extremely odd, sorry. Maybe it is an issue about Cider? I use 0.22.3

oliyh commented 4 years ago


That error happens earlier in the flow trying to discover which namespace to look for the handler in. Are your events in a different namespace to your subs?

It works for me on Cider 21.1 at least. If it broke because of Cider I'd expect it to not work for anything, I think there must be a difference in the way your subs namespace is declared. I'm guessing it must have been required in, so the REPL is aware of it?

Is there a minimal failing chunk of code you can reproduce this with?


davidpham87 commented 4 years ago

Yes, my subscriptions are in a different namespace as my events. When I place my subscription in the same namespace, re-jump finds the keyword.

I will work on an example with minimal code for reproducing it.

I find it odd, that the cider-find-ns fails to open me a few namespaces. I use a standard re-frame folder architecture (with individual panels having their own namespace) and with the 5/6 files per panels. I can't why cider-find-ns succeed or not. The function that is failing is cider-sync-request:ns-path

Thanks for your help! At least I know where to dig in :-) Sorry for disturbing.

davidpham87 commented 4 years ago

Cider related.