oliyh / re-jump.el

emacs navigation for re-frame projects
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cider clj cljs clojure clojurescript emacs emacs-lisp re-frame


emacs navigation for re-frame projects

What does it do?

Assuming your re-frame registrations use fully qualified keywords (if they don't, they should) you may have source files that look like this:

(ns app.model
  (:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]))

(ns app.view
  (:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
            [app.model :as model]))

(defn bar []
  (re-frame/dispatch [::model/foo]))

If you are editing app.view you may be interested in what the foo event does. Unfortunately CIDER won't let you jump-to-var on a keyword because it's not a var! You have to manually visit the model namespace amd search for foo, possibly skipping past other references to it until you find the declaration where it gets registered.

This becomes a pain when your code gets bigger.

re-jump gives you the same experience jumping to re-frame registrations as CIDER does for vars: with your cursor on a keyword press M-> (this is M-. with the shift key).
