olsh / todoist-net

A Todoist API client for .NET written in C#
MIT License
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todoist todoist-api


Build status Quality Gate NuGet

A Todoist Sync API client for .NET.


The library is available as a Nuget package.

Install-Package Todoist.Net

Get started

Creating Todoist client

ITodoistClient client = new TodoistClient("API token");

Quick add

Implementation of the Quick Add Task available in the official clients.

var quickAddItem = new QuickAddItem("Task title @Label1 #Project1 +ExampleUser");
var task = await client.Items.QuickAddAsync(quickAddItem);

Simple API calls

// Get all resources (labels, projects, tasks, notes etc.).
var resources = await client.GetResourcesAsync();

// Get only projects and labels.
var projectsAndLabels = await client.GetResourcesAsync(ResourceType.Projects, ResourceType.Labels);

// Get only projects.
var projectsOnly = await client.GetResourcesAsync(ResourceType.Projects);

// Alternatively you can use this API to get projects.
var projects = await client.Projects.GetAsync();

// Add a task with a note.
var taskId = await client.Items.AddAsync(new Item("New task"));
await client.Notes.AddToItemAsync(new Note("Task description"), taskId);

Transactions (Batching)

Batching: reading and writing of multiple resources can be done in a single HTTP request.

Add a new project, task and note in one request.

// Create a new transaction.
var transaction = client.CreateTransaction();

// These requests are queued and will be executed later.
var projectId = await transaction.Project.AddAsync(new Project("New project"));
var taskId = await transaction.Items.AddAsync(new Item("New task", projectId));
await transaction.Notes.AddToItemAsync(new Note("Task description"), taskId);

// Execute all the requests in the transaction in a single HTTP request.
await transaction.CommitAsync();

Sending null values when updating entities.

When updating entities, Todoist API only updates properties included in the request body, using a PATCH request style. That's why all properties with null values are not included by default, to allow updating without fetching the entity first, since including null properties will update them to null.

However, if you want to intentionally send a null value to the API, you need to use the Unset extension method, for example:

// This code removes a task's due date.
var task = new UpdateItem("TASK_ID");
task.Unset(t => t.DueDate);

await client.Items.UpdateAsync(task);