olsonk / pyRosita

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for controlling a RoboThespian robot via Python script



  1. In a new blank Python file, import requests and the pyRosita library (make sure the file is in the same directory as pyRosita.py
  2. Open a new file with write access. It must end in .sequence in order to be recognized by RoboThespian
    f = open('sample-file.sequence', 'w')
  3. Make an instance of the Sequencer from pyRosita. This is how you will indicate the timing and order of commands for your animation. Pass your file instance into the Sequencer.
    seq = pyRosita.Sequencer(f)
  4. Add movements to the sequencer using the .add() method. Usage is to name the action you want RoboThespian to perform, along with any extra required information using keyword arguments. A list of all possible actions, along with required arguments, can be found below.
    seq.add("both grip")
    seq.add("left aim", x=40, y=50)
    seq.add("left trigger")
    seq.add("look point left")
    seq.add("both trigger")
    seq.add("both drop")
  5. When you are finished with your animation, call .generate_animation() to write all your animations to your .sequence file. Finally, close the file instance and run this Python script.


## Recognized Actions
1. `default` - Resets RoboThespian to its default pose (centered, with both arms at its sides and hands "open").
2. `wait, time=__` - Creates a pause in the animation for the desired number of seconds.
3. `head move, x=__, y=__` - Changes the head `turn` and `nod` attributes. Accepts a number between 0 and 100.
  * 0 = full right/down
  * 50 = center
  * 100 = full left/up
4. `head nod/turn/roll, amt=__` - Sets the head `nod`, `turn`, or `roll` attribute to the given `amt`
5. `change head not/turn/roll, amt=__` - Changes the head `nod`, `turn`, or `roll` attribute by a given `amt`
6. `torso sideways/turn/bend forward, amt=__` - Sets the torso `sideways`, `turn`, or `bendForward` attribute to the given `amt`
7. `change torso sideways/turn/bend forward, amt=__` - Changes the torso `sideways`, `turn`, or `bendForward` attribute by a given `amt`
8. `left/right arm up/out/twist, amt=__` - Sets the left/right arm's `up`, `out`, or `twist` attribute to the given `amt`
9. `left/right forearm/elbow/wrist, amt=__` - Sets the left/right arm's `foreArm` rotate, `elbow`, or `wrist` attribute to the given `amt`
10. `change left/right arm up/out/twist, amt=__` - Changes the left/right arm's `up`, `out`, or `twist` attribute by the given `amt`
11. `change left/right forearm/elbow/wrist, amt=__` - Changes the left/right arm's `foreArm` rotate, `elbow`, or `wrist` attribute by the given `amt`
12. `left/right arm move, x=__, y=__` - Changes the specified arm `out` and `up` attributes. Elbow bends naturally as `y`/`up` value increases. Accepts a number between 0 and 100 (see above).
13. `left/right aim, x=__, y=__` - Moves RoboThespian's head, torso, and left/right arm to all point toward a given point. Accepts a number between 0 and 100.
14. `look point forward/left/right` - Moves both of RoboThespian's arms, as well as torso and head, to point the given direction.
15. `left/right trigger/grip/drop/buttonA/buttonB` - Sets RoboThespian's finger controls for the specified button. `trigger`, `buttonA`, and `buttonB` automatically release the button quickly. `grip` and `drop` are a lasting change.
16. `both trigger/grip/drop` - Same as above, but modifies relevant fingers on both hands simultaneously.

* Flesh out documentation (how to control other robot device attributes and add new actions)
* Add new actions
  * Reload
  * Set individual body parts to given settings
  * Change individual body parts by a given amount
  * More complicated sets of movement (e.g. fire left, fire right, reload, point forward)
* Integrate `requests` to upload and start playback of the sequence on RoboThespian automatically.
* Implement `os` library to call other system actions and trigger sequence playback when ready.
* Extensive testing to ensure accuracy of movements and timing