omarokasha1 / TheFirstProject

This is a Learning Management System Solutions Developed from Scratch inside Orange Digital Center Labs By ODC-Flutter WorkForce.
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Figma Screens #13

Open mirette3 opened 2 years ago

mirette3 commented 2 years ago

On boarding Screen

welcome page display first time, when we launch the app. it contains two buttons (for login and sign-up) and four page-view each one has animation image and two text. welcome

Log in Screen

user open this screen to login if he already have an account. it contains two text-field (for email and password) and two button (for login and sign-up) login

Sign-Up Screen

user open this screen if he didn’t have an account. it contains five text-field(for email,username,password,confirm password and phone) and two buttons(for signup and login) signup

Forget password Screen

user open this screen if he forget password. it contains one text-filed for email and two buttons (resent password and login) forget

User Home Screen

home screen display when user login or sign up it includes user courses ,recommendation courses and top courses it contains app bar(have two icons for drawer and notifications) , flexible space (have text field and text) and three list-view.builder each one has numbers of cards (scroll in horizontal) home


drawer display in app bar include all information of user such as profile , courses,setting ..etc. drawer

Search result


Notification screen


Profile & Edit Profile screens

It includes personal and education information. to view profile the right screen while display and when you want to edit your profile the second screen will display. profile

Courses Screen

if user already enrolled in course the right screen will display other wise the left screen will display. courses

My Learning Screen

this screen includes my courses, tracks,wish-list courses , pending courses and archived courses. mylearning

Account setting screen

to change password open this screen accountsettings

Author Courses


Create Courses & modules


my courses , tracks , modules


Author public profile




mirette3 commented 2 years ago

How do pages communicate with each other


omarokasha1 commented 2 years ago

What about the Video :D ?