omarokasha1 / TheFirstProject

This is a Learning Management System Solutions Developed from Scratch inside Orange Digital Center Labs By ODC-Flutter WorkForce.
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TheFirstProject : A different Learning Management System

Team :

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.

A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

About LMS

E-learning application that allows the learner to participate in multiple courses and tracks that provide communication between the learner and the author

Getting started


How To Work

1- Go to your local workspace directory

$ cd ~/workspace

2-Clone your project to your device.

$ git clone

3- Next, go into the just created directory.

$ cd TheFirstProject-master/

Import project to the Android Studio IDE

  1. Open Android Studio IDE.
    • FileOpenChoosing the project from the device
  2. Click project to import to Android Studio
  3. Add flutter SDK for the project
    • FilesettingsLanguages & FrameworksFlutterAdd SDK file
  4. Adding a package dependency to an app
    $ flutter pub get  
  5. Run Flutter in emulator
    $ flutter run

    Import Backend project to Visual studio code IDE

  6. Open Visual studio code IDE.
    • FileOpenChoosing the project from the device
  7. Click project to import to Visual studio code

Run the project on a local Server

In the command line, run cd to change directories to the folder we just cloned from GitHub.

$ cd ~/workspace